Tropic Water Delivery Service
Internet Special: Sign Up Online and receive up to $50 OFF your first delivery
(Sign up discount does not apply to deposits)
Delivered Tropic Water (5 gallon bottle)…….$8.95 (Plus $12 Refundable Bottle Deposits)
Cold and Room Temp Water Dispenser………$13.95 Monthly rental (Plus one time $50 Refundable Deposit)
Hot and Cold Water Dispenser…………………$18.95 Monthly rental (Plus one time $50 Refundable Deposit)
- Delivery service is on a set week day every 2 weeks-Temp Bottom Loading
Click here for the Terms and Conditions.
Tropic Water Delivery Service
- Offer valid on approved credit with automatic bill pay only, Valid for New customers in Tropic Water Maui delivery area only. Cooler selection subject to availability
- One year service agreement required – $50 early termination, Contract Begins upon the date of order
- Bottle and cooler deposits apply – deposits will be refunded after one year of good standing with Tropic Water upon account termination. No refunds for full returned bottles. Additional bottles requested will incur a $12 refundable deposit. Any security deposit made pursuant to this agreement may be applied by Tropic Water LLC to cure any default.
- Minimum of 3 bottles per month. After four consecutive delivery attempts (i.e 2 months) with no bottles exchanged, the account will be considered inactive and subject to termination, Bottle and early termination fees may apply. If customer requests a hold on the account, the monthly cooler rental will be charged at list price during the hold period.
- Deliveries must be made on designated delivery day every 2 weeks otherwise a $14.95 delivery off-route charge will apply.
- Bottles can always be exchanged at Tropic Water’s warehouse at a discount
- You must pay for all products and service ordered and received
- A $5 Late charge or 1.5% whichever is greater will be charged to account on the 16th for any unpaid balances.
- Upon termination of agreement and return of equipment to Tropic Water LLC, Tropic Water LLC will pay out deposits within 10 business days (Monday – Friday). Deposits will only be issued back if equipment is returned in sound working condition with only NORMAL wear and tear. All deposits will be returned to original CUSTOMER on this agreement by a single check only. No duplicate refund checks will be issued.
- Limit to Liability : Tropic Water is not liable for any property damage or injury potentially caused by five gallon bottles or water dispensers or Tropic Water Associates. Equipment should not be moved with out contacting Tropic Water first. CUSTOMER will use the equipment in good faith and agree to dispense only Tropic Water, any misuse of equipment will terminate agreement and renter will forfeit deposit.
Click here For full Terms and conditions
Call 808-873-0007 for service in Paia, Makawao, Pukalani or email sales@tropicwater.com
For commercial accounts or bulk discounts call 808-661-0007 ext. 4 or email sales@tropicwater.com